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From Seed to Your Table in the Summertime

By Alicia Waters | May 17, 2017

From your local farm or your own garden, summertime brings fresh food to the your kitchen and table.

We have some books to help you make it the happen.

DB72669 The town that food saved: how one community found vitality in local food by Ben Hewitt

DB84286 The story of seeds: from Mendel’s garden to your plate, and how there’s more of less to eat around the world by Nancy Castaldo

DB66852 Kitchen Literacy: how we lost knowledge of where food comes from and why we need to get it back by Ann Vileisis

DBC03710 A Master Class: sensational recipes from the Chefs of the New England Culinary Institute and Ellen Michaud by Ellen Michaud

DB025597 The frugal gourmet cooks with wine by Jeff Smith

DB64312 Farmer John’s Cookbook the real dirt on vegetables by John Peterson


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