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Accessible e-Readers and Apps
By Alicia Waters | May 11, 2012
Librarians who serve the blind and visually impaired are saying that APPLE provides the only commercial available e-reading devices that are fully accessible out of the box. This includes iPads, iPhones, and the iPod Touch, all of which can be used as e-readers. Find a list of Assistive Technology Apps that provide additional options for accessibility for these devices on the Easter Seals of Indiana website.
Other e-readers do allow you to manipulate the size of the print, but this does not makes these devices truly accessible to people with disabilities. The Kindle 4 has talking menus with voice output that makes Amazon Ebooks accessible to visually impaired users. However, the publisher of Ebooks must choose to activate the text to speech component of each book. The Nook is inaccessible to readers with disabilities.
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