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Ever Popular Crime Fiction

By Alicia Waters | April 22, 2013

A library survey shows that the world of mystery is ever-popular and that crime fiction still draws readers nationwide. The highest circulating subgenres in mystery ebooks are police procedurals and cozies.

Talking Books Plus collection includes 528 crime fiction titles in digital talking book format. One of the titles, Live by Night  (DB75625) by Dennis Lehane has been nominated for the 2013 Edgar Award for Best Novel. In an interview, Dennis describes a great novel. He says “If I just want a plot, I can watch a movie. If I just want language, I’ll read poems. A great novel embraces both those things and so much more.” Talking Books Plus members can decide if they agree.  National Poetry Month is being celebrated now.

Reader’s Advisors can help Talkng Books Plus members select crime fiction books to read or members can do a basic search on the NLS online catalog at by entering the search term, crime fiction and by selecting quick limits, NLS digital talking books.

Mystery survey article and Dennis Lehane interview source: Following the Digital Clues by Kristi Chadwick

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